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TriAlliance ​is an unity to challenge a new challenge.



TriAlliance started from April 2017 in Hangzhou China.  

During Alibaba's conference held in its headquarter, our team was composed from three countries and made the team name TriAlliance.

While presenting TriAlliance as an allied global team specializing in cross-boarder trade, I thought establishing a small but international marketing and trading company through online platform supported with our global human network.

I launched TriAlliance on Jul. 01 2018 in down town Seoul very near to Mt.Namsan. Our office is very close to the popular shopping area Myoungdong. This is a very strategic location to monitor latest market trend and meet foreigners to hear their opinion on their preference.

As Christoper Columbus discovered America and triggered to open the Age of Exploration, TriAlliance will open our age. 

We tried to define a work differently. 

Most of employees or employers spend the largest chunk of a day at works. But many people even including employers are not happy and not motivated from their works. They do work because they have to. Work is pain and cost needs to be minimized at best. So it makes companies run very inefficiently in the end, establishing bureaucratic practices.

We tried to see work differently. It can be fun and enjoyed if the work environment is rightly set up. Humans have a will to improve and get better next day. They can be self-motivated if they do what they can do the best and are sure that their work can lead them to a better life.

TriAlliance tries to make a large play-work ground where people can enjoy the works they like. Our customers will be better fulfilled with our products. 

The company focuses on a big picture and longer term business plan. Employees will put a puzzle which will be composed in a big drawing. 

We dream to help making a better world where our employees are proud of their works and contribution to society and environment.

We will march to tomorrow. 

TriAlliance does not discriminate colleagues on the base of race, religion and sex. We recommend various types of colleagues to join us.


TriAlliance is a marketing and distribution company for Korea and the global market.

There are many excellent products produced by small manufacturers or start-ups in Korea. TriAlliance selects internationally competitive products, and promote and distribute them to the local and overseas markets. No matter how good the products are, it is meaningless if they are not known to customers and not sold. TriAlliance looks after product planning, branding, marketing and distribution. We share the feedback from our customers to our partner manufacturers and help them to make better products.

​TriAlliance operates marketing through online platform with global offline network, and distribute them through our distributing network. 

Latest News

Jul. 25th - 27th 2018, TriAlliance attended Sportec 2018 held in Tokyo Japan with its Partners Sumit and Aison for Abuba. Abuba is a core exerciser developed by Sumit and TriAlliance is the global marketing partner for Abuba. 

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